Winter is for the Birds

Laura McCarthy

A Black-capped Chickadee flits under a row of short icicles and lands on a bell-shaped birdseed cake hanging near the window above my monitor. I shift my gaze and pause typing. Realizing how high I’m holding my shoulders, I roll them back and down. I stretch. My chickadee swoops to a small branch and gets to work opening a sunflower seed between its tiny feet. After a few moments and a couple more seeds, I’m back to work, too.

What a joy and a comfort, watching these lively, hungry, neighbors. It’s taken me a while to think of myself as a birdwatcher; to update my image of the pocketed-vest clad, list-keeping birder dashing around with bins (and calling binoculars “bins!”). There’s nothing wrong with that, but it leaves out a big portion of the more than 96 million people in the U.S. who participate in birdwatching, according to 2022 data from the US Fish and Wildlife service. Among them, casual birders and those who keep feeders, as well as folks who travel to see birds, perhaps tracking sightings in eBird along the way. 

Many thousands of people found new solace and support in birdwatching during the isolating unknowns of the pandemic lockdown. There’s more of us now than ever, looking more and more like what our communities really look like, too. And it’s about time: historically, the conservation movement excluded Indigenous communities, people of color, and other marginalized voices. 

While I’m not writing in an official capacity, I do work for the National Audubon Society, so I know that Audubon chapters and other bird-related organizations are actively working to expand that birdwatcher definition – and reach new folks.

This includes my friend Bridget Butler, “The Bird Diva” in Vermont, who imparts “Slow Birding”---a more accessible, inclusive, and mindful way to connect to nature ( It was this idea that freed me to still call myself a birder even if I sit in one place, close my eyes to listen, or sketch in my nature journal instead of keeping a year’s sighting list. I recommend trying it, even if you are just inside, watching the feeder. There’s a growing body of evidence supporting the conclusion that time in nature reduces stress, benefits our mood, well-being, mental health, and our cognitive functioning. In the slowdown of midwinter while we wait for the light to come back, what better way to spend some time?

Sadly, I can’t write about birds without acknowledging that the news has been bleak. (Add it to the list). A 2019 study out of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology found that we’ve lost 3 billion birds in the past 50 years due to a mix of factors including climate change and habitat loss. Never has there been a greater and more urgent call to action to activate all the people who love birds – who come from all backgrounds, and who birdwatch in more than one way. We can plant more native species in the spring, install bird collision reduction curtains, unite around advocacy that conserves the places most important for birds (and people!), and that reduces light pollution to decrease bird deaths during migration. We’re going to need everyone. 

For today, let’s remember that so many of us have birds in common. Let’s concentrate on a shared purpose to overcome some of their simpler challenges. Let’s fill our feeders. A basic winter bird mix will do. Clean them regularly. And mostly, let’s find time to delight in the bright Northern Cardinals, upside-down nuthatches, and Dark-eyed Juncos hopping around in the snow this winter. Marvel at the Red-bellied Woodpecker and wonder about its name. See something new and identify it ourselves. Bundle up and sit in a park long enough for the nosey chickadees to ignore us and get back to the business of being birds, reminding us we’re just a small part in all of this. Let’s slow down. 

Let’s enjoy the birds. Allow them to help us recharge and reconnect with the natural world, and maybe a bit more with one another, too. 

Laura McCarthy is a co-op member, occasional artist, Adk 46r, parent, lazy fossil hunter, and the Sr. Network Engagement Manager for Audubon’s CT and NY program where, for over 17 years, she has partnered with local Audubon chapter organizations and also answered a lot of bird questions. The views expressed here are not necessarily the views of the National Audubon Society. She finally admits to being a birdwatcher.

A few bird notes:

  • Here’s a good spot for bird feeding basics.

  • A few things to keep in mind: The NYSDEC recommends keeping feeders down between April 1 and Nov 30, when black bears are most active.

  • State and federal agencies have not issued specific recommendations to take down bird feeders due to avian influenza, except for those who raise domestic poultry. You can keep up the latest through the USDA, CDC, or NYSDOH websites. Clean and disinfect feeders regularly to help keep birds healthy. 

  • If you’re already thinking about spring, Audubon’s Plants for Birds site lets your download a list of suggested plants based on your zip code, and sort for the kinds of birds you hope you attract, and more.

  • Looking for local birding spots? The NYS virtual birding trail includes great locations to birdwatch across NY, which includes information on species you might see, trail accessibility, and more.

  • Here’s a link to search by location for some of our great capital region spots, like Thacher State Park, Five Rivers Environmental Education Center, Washington Park, Albany Pine Bush Preserve, Peebles Island State Park, and more.

View all the Coop Scoop Blog posts here.


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